We are thrilled to announce that V.L. Chapman Electric, Inc., has achieved the significant milestone of 500,000 man-hours (14 years worked) Lost-Time Incident (LTI) free this week!! This impressive achievement and company record has been made daily by a strong commitment to Safety and Excellence from each one of our Electricians. We could not be happier about this success as a result of strong safety strategies that have been implemented by our team of the best Electricians in the business. We want to thank NECA and the IBEW for their partnership and continual progress in Safety in Electrical construction.

To our Electricians: You are the backbone of the company; your hard work and dedication to excellence is absolutely essential to everyone’s safety and success. Your commitment to Safety, Performance, and Innovation is the bedrock of our company. Safety is both how we work, and what we create for our customers. Any incident is one too many; you and your family’s well-being are far too precious to not make safety our number one focus.
To our Customers: Thank you for partnering with us in Safety. Its our desire that anything we work on provides you and your team safe equipment and facilities to work in. Thank you, as well, for your commitment to Safety in your facilities, as your programs and safety strategies have been significant in shaping ours over the years. Please let us know how we can bring excellence in Safety and Performance to your business in the coming year.
Here’s to 2016 being another year of Safety at V.L. Chapman Electric, and thanks to each of you for helping us get there!
Lad Chapman, President
February 15, 2016