Tom Chapman is the CEO of V.L. Chapman Electric, Inc. He joined his dad, Vern Chapman, in 1971, in the business and has been with VLC ever since. Tom assumed the role of Vice President of Construction and Treasurer in 1974 and also became Secretary / Treasurer
Lad Chapman
Lad came to work for V.L. Chapman in 1986 as a teenager and has served in many roles from shop boy to driver, from Saftey Coordinator to Operations Manager, and is currently serves as President. He received Electrical Engineering training at Cedarville University
Lydia (Chapman) Rich
Lydia (Chapman) Rich serves as the VP of Administration. Having worked for V.L. Chapman since 1995, while attending Cleveland State, she’s responsible for Payroll and Accounts Payable. She is also the company’s Human Resource person, preparing the
Andrea Chapman Dawson
Andrea Chapman Dawson is the VP of Finance and is responsible for Accounts Receivable, Job Cost Summaries, Permits, License and Bonding, Company Tax Payments, and monthly payroll reports. She worked in the office in the early 90’s and returned to VLC in